Tom George's profile

Family members can select items and buy

To design a mobile application for a new level mobile online shopping grocer.
The app is aimed at providing hassle free experience of shopping list management
within a family including the maid.

I have in this case designed the app to be a:
1. Progressive mobile application
2. As I strongly felt that the application is an on-the-go companion in shopping
3. That guides the user to create a group and maintain the shopping list within the group
4. Easy filtering and maintanance of list.

I have maintained that the application has to be:
1. easy to use
2. easy on the eyes in bright places
3. easy to read when it is a dark environment

The business case of the application:
1. Disable the user to select the item which was already selected by one of the group member
2. Allow members to disselect the item based on availabilty
3. Ensure one shopping list among the members
4. Show users the latest selected item from other members.
Family members can select items and buy


Family members can select items and buy
